Business Office

The Business (Bursar's) Office supports the academic mission of the institution through the effective planning and management of UNM-Taos' fiscal resources. The Business Office supports departments in fulfilling requests related to human resources, purchasing, procurement and mail services. Additionally, the Business Office provides services to students by responding to account inquiries, student payments, issuing book vouchers and woodworking materials cards.
UNM-Taos has a friendly experienced staff to help you with all your business and finance needs. If you cannot find the information or answers you need on this page, please feel free to call 575737.6263 or email
The Budget Process
The budget process is an on-going process of fiscal responsibility. The budget process for the next fiscal year usually begins in the fall. The process begins with goal setting during the Strategic Planning meeting(s). Each department puts a budget together. After departmental approval, the request is then submitted to the executive director for consideration. Adjustments to budgets, including adjustments to subcodes, must be made at this time. Once the funding allocation for the campus is decided by the Commission on Higher Education (CHE), the campus can then make final allocations for revenue sources. Departments then present their budget to the Administrative Team. The Administrative Team puts together a recommendation for the Advisory Board. One the Advisory Board approves the budget it is then submitted to the Board of Regents.
• Requested funds for any reason, during the fiscal year, should be submitted on a Request for Funds form
Contract & Grant Accounting
All purchases must be approved by Gina Vigil. Monthly account reconciliation is REQUIREDfor all contract and grant accounts. All requests for account corrections, including payroll corrections, should be submitted by Gina Vigil. A request for correction is considered tardy after 120 days from the date of the original transaction. You must have written justification if you exceed 120 days. All purchases for goods or services should follow all UNM guidelines. See "Big Red" UNM Policy and Procedure Handbook for specific details. Some purchases made during the 4th quarter of the grant may be considered "stock piling" and therefore not allowed. All documentation for purchases must have a "purpose". Grant funds cannot be used to mail grant proposals.
Payroll signature sheets for bi-weekly and work-study employees are located at the Human Resources Office at Kaluer Campus. Payroll time sheets are available from Debra Martinez. It is important that time sheets are submitted on the due date. Time sheets not submitted on time may result in delay of payment. All request(s) for corrections to payroll must be made in writing to Debra Martinez. All requests must include a copy of the Payroll and Payroll Distribution report in error.
For more information, contact Human Resources Administrator Debra Martinez at 575.737.6261.
Purchasing Procedures
The Purchase Requisition is used to request the purchase of goods and services from off-campus providers by the Purchasing Department and from on-campus providers directly.
- All purchase requisitions MUST be typed.
- Attach all "original" documentation i.e., order forms, registration forms, quotes, statements, etc.
- Contract & Grant Purchases: All contract and grant purchases must be pre-approved by PI and submitted to Gina Vigil for processing.
- Computer-related purchases: All computer hardware and software must be pre-approved by the IT department.
- The Purchase Requisition should never be used as a purchase order itself and given to an off-campus vendor.
- If a sole source or sole brand purchase is requested, a written justification should be attached to the purchase requisition.
- All purchases should adhere to all regulations in the University Policies and Procedures Manual.
Business Office
Phone: 575.737.6263
Klauer Campus,
Padre Martinez Hall
1157 County Road 110
Ranchos de Taos, NM 87557
Office Hours:
Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Bursar's Office