Strategic Outreach
Strategic Outreach at UNM-Taos is dedicated to fostering meaningful connections to educational pathways and community engagement through dynamic PreK-12 and community outreach programs. With a focus on equitable access and student empowerment, we create opportunities for learners to continue their academic journeys while honoring their cultural identities. Our signature program, You Can Do It, Mija!, uplifts young women by helping them find and amplify their voices, develop leadership skills, and gain valuable life and educational experiences. Indigenous Outreach strengthens connections and support for Native students, working closely with Taos Pueblo to create culturally informed pathways to higher education. Through these initiatives, we empower students to explore their potential, discover their paths, and envision a future full of possibilities.
You Can Do It, Mija is a mentorship program at UNM-Taos. The Mija Program connects students and community members across multiple generations, from teens to elders, and uplifts the many diverse experiences of being a woman in Taos.
The Mija Program serves UNM-Taos students and high school students, engaging women from the Taos community as mentors, and recognizing mentees of all ages as future leaders with valuable perspectives and skills to offer. UNM-Taos students can have opportunities to serve as peer mentors for each other, and as mentors for high school students.
Through one-on-one mentoring, high school programming, and community gatherings, as well as leadership training and skill-shares on campus, Taoseñas of all ages build reciprocal relationships that grow into a network of opportunity and resilience. The Mija Program is designed to support women in deepening their confidence, discovering their strengths, and realizing their visions for the future—together.
UNM-Taos Students
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Become a peer mentor: contact
work study posting
How can I get involved?
- Become a Mentor: Build a relationship with a mentee for a minimum of one academic semester and attend program events as you are able. Receive training and program support from UNM-Taos for your mentoring relationship.
- Become a Presenter: Lead a workshop or tell your story as part of high school programming or an event for UNM-Taos students. We welcome experiential workshops in any specialty, as well as presenters and speakers on topics from the arts to business to life skills, health, personal development, civic engagement, and culture.
- Friend of Mija: Receive invitations to program events and community gatherings
Mentor/Friend of Mija Interest Form
Follow the Mija Program @unmtaosmijas on Instagram.