Recent News

First Year Reflections
August 31, 2022
August marked the year anniversary of Mary Gutierrez, Ed.D., being at the helm of UNM-Taos. We recently caught up with the chancellor to hear reflections about her first year.
She emphasized listening and learning, expansion of workforce programs, and collaboration with high schools. A return to her home state also reintroduced her to chile, the Río Grande Gorge, snow, and star-filled skies — not to mention dog antics!

Lobo Food Pantry: Lobos Helping Lobos
August 24, 2022
The Lobo Food Pantry is open and ready to assist our campus. If you are at Klauer and in need of a snack, food to take home, or other necessities, stop by the Lobo Food Pantry located in front of the main entrance to Fred Peralta Hall, or contact Cami Hartman, Student Resource Navigator, at 575.737.3697.

Carrie Fonder: What Sticks
August 24, 2022
What Sticks is a solo exhibition of new work by Carrie Fonder that explores power, longevity, and residue. Fonder intuitively weaves materials, both two-dimensional and three-dimensional, into a series of interrelated works.

Dr. Jeannie Baca Chosen for New UNM-Taos Position of Associate Dean of Workforce Development
August 10, 2022
A good job means a better life for the worker and a healthy local economy. With that in mind, UNM-Taos has created a new position: Associate Dean of Workforce Development. Jeannie Baca, Ph.D., has been announced as the first person to hold the position.

UNM-Taos Education & Career Center Awarded Funds
August 3, 2022
Over the last fiscal year, TECC increased the percentage of High School Equivalency (HSE) graduates by 132%. The New Mexico Higher Education Department Adult Education Division took notice and recently awarded TECC newly acquired funds to help continue their good work.