Paramedic graduation ceremony held for first time in over two decades

September 12, 2024


EMS graduate Gabriela Pereyra receives the Clinical Services Award, an acknowledgment of her exceptional care for people in Taos County.


On Tuesday, Sept. 10, UNM-Taos hosted a paramedic graduation ceremony for the first time in over 20 years. With the leadership and vision of Josh Wright, director of EMS and chair of health sciences, the program started up again at UNM-Taos. It received crucial support from the EMS Academy and UNM-Taos administration because they understand the importance of building this profession in our community. 

All seven students in the class graduated and are now filling a crucial gap in the emergency medicine workforce in Northern New Mexico. The graduates—Jacob Becker, William Brockman, Bernadette Chavez, Chase Ingram, Gabriela Pereyra Falcon, Laura Sandoval, and Amanda Sena—are already employed. Taos County is getting 2-3 new paramedics. Mora County is getting two more paramedics whereas before they only had one. Red River is gaining one more, where they only had two previously. For years, there used to be only two paramedics for all of Taos County. More help means better quality of care for people in their hardest moments of life. 

Gabriela Pereyra received the Clinical Services Award and was acknowledged for her exceptional care for people in our community. Director of Clinical Education Josh Lopez explained, “The trauma that we see in our profession pushes many of us out of it. Gabriela seemed to become stronger after each difficult encounter she had in the field.” He praised her resilience as an example we can all learn from. 

Gabriela has also been reviving the Third Rider program, in which high school students ride along in an ambulance during their Flex Fridays as part of the pipeline into the EMS field. She has also facilitated elementary school ambulance visits to show students that EMS personnel are there to help. She noted some of these kids were initially afraid because they saw EMTs during traumatic moments. Gabi intends to continue this outreach to build relationships in the community. She wished she had had these opportunities when she was young, not knowing that EMS was an option through which she could make a meaningful contribution to her community.


The graduates were joined by their families, teachers, and colleagues to celebrate this momentous occasion. Community representatives who attended the ceremony were Sen. Roberto "Bobby" J. Gonzales, County Manager Brent Jaramillo, Mayor Pascualito Maestas, and Council Member Corilia Ortega.
