Recent News

Following the Manito Trail: a UNM, UNM-Taos, and museum collaboration
March 30, 2022
From now through July 31, Millicent Rogers Museum in Taos presents Following the Manito Trail – a cultural heritage exhibition that shares the largely untold histories of nine Manito (Hispanic New Mexican) families from Taos County with public audiences. The project is a collaboration between the museum and several Manito/a scholars including UNM-Taos Post Doctoral Fellow Dr. Trisha Martinez.

Changing the College Experience
March 23, 2022
A UNM-Taos redesign is informed by the Guided Pathways framework, which focuses on helping students explore, enter, and complete programs of study that are aligned with transfer opportunities and good jobs.

Being 'Thoughtful and Intentional'
March 23, 2022
UNM-Taos is pleased to support a contingent of 14 employees who will attend the 14th Annual Alliance of Hispanic Serving Institution Educators (AHSIE) Best Practices Conference: The Future of HSIs: Leveraging Excellence and Cultura.

Out of the Classroom, Into the Wild
March 16, 2022
Out of hundreds of applications from talented educators, Brooke Zanetell, UNM-Taos Natural Resources Management program director, has been selected by the non-profit organization Ecology Project International (EPI) to participate in an 8-day Teacher Fellowship in Costa Rica from April 2-9.

Spring Fling
March 16, 2022
Visit Klauer campus for a day of demo courses, games, and giveaways. We are holding our annual open house and inviting everyone in the community to learn a bit more about their local branch college.

Building an economy that works for everyone
March 9, 2022
In a local effort to build an economy that works for everyone — specifically to support Native American job seekers, employees, and businesses — UNM-Taos and Taos Pueblo created a workforce training program.

ACE Fellow Hosted by UNM Visits Taos
March 2, 2022
Last August, UNM President Garnett S. Stokes revealed that Dr. Lisa Jasinski, special assistant to the vice president of Academic Affairs at Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas, was selected to be a 2021-22 American Council on Education (ACE) Fellow and chose to spend 12 weeks throughout the current academic year at The University of New Mexico. Jasinski recently spent two days at UNM-Taos.