Recent News

UNM taps Dr. Mary Gutierrez as new UNM-Taos chancellor
June 23, 2021
University of New Mexico Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs James Holloway has named Dr. Mary Gutierrez as chancellor of the UNM-Taos branch campus effective Aug. 1, 2021.

UNM-Taos Dual Enrollment Program to present during NACEP national conference
June 18, 2021
The National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP) recently announced that the UNM-Taos Dual Enrollment Program’s proposed session, “Expanding Dual Enrollment: Hispanic and Tribal Communities in Rural Southwest,” will be presented during the NACEP’s 2021 national conference Creating Bright Futures Through Concurrent & Dual Enrollment on Oct 26-27 in Orlando, Florida.

UNM-Taos HIVE hiring two AmeriCorps members to help bolster digital jobs training
June 9, 2021
UNM-Taos HIVE has been selected by the Center on Rural Innovation (CORI) to receive two AmeriCorps VISTA members to help build HIVE’s capacity and programs related to digital jobs training.

Natural Resources Management students protect Río Grande trees
June 1, 2021
In late April, students in the Natural Resources Management program floated down the Río Grande to identify and protect native cottonwoods and boxelders from beavers.