Recent News

Closing the Skills Gap
February 23, 2022
UNM-Taos Office of Academic Affairs received a new grant from the Española-based Regional Development Corporation to conduct noncredit workforce training in our area. Taos Ski Valley (TSV) and Taos Pueblo received several free noncredit trainings.

Reading and Writing About Children's Rights
February 18, 2022
UNM-Taos English faculty member Amber Gordon collaborated with a group of New Mexico educators on the article “Exploring Children’s Rights through a Global Literacy Community in the Land of Enchantment,” which was recently published on The University of Arizona's World of Words website.

Strengthening Taos' workforce
February 9, 2022
We’re not just a college — we’re job training and career development. UNM-Taos and its partners, with Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act funding, aim to help our youth and people with significant barriers to employment prepare for high-quality jobs and careers, and help employers hire and retain skilled workers.