Financial Aid Homepage
The first step to receiving all types of Federal Financial Aid, including grants, loans, and work-study, is to complete the FAFSA form. The FAFSA is the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. It is the application used to apply for Federal, State and some institutional financial aid. Students must complete the FAFSA every year. UNM’s priority date for completing the FAFSA is January 6. That means students who completed the FAFSA by January 6 are considered first in line for some types of limited grants. Students are encouraged to complete the FAFSA online as soon as possible.
Our FAFSA School Code is 002663 – This is for ALL UNM campuses.
Once your FAFSA has been received by UNM, you will need to submit any missing requirements. These are listed on your Financial Aid tab in LoboWeb.
You can check the status of your financial aid, see and complete file requirements, and apply for loans all through your LoboWeb account.
- Log into my UNM using your NetID and Password
- Click “Enter LoboWeb”
- Click the “Financial Aid” tab at the top of the page
- Complete information, including your Cost of Attendance and your Estimated Family Contribution (as determined by your FAFSA) can be seen here.
Any grant, scholarship, work-study, or loan awards can be seen and managed through your Financial Aid Tab.

Grants are awarded based on need as determined by your FAFSA and do not have to be paid back. These include the Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG) and the State Student Incentive Grant (SSIG). In order to be eligible for SEOG and SSIG, students must have their FAFSA form in by January 6.
Scholarships are awarded on a variety of criteria. Some are need based, but nearly all have certain academic requirements, such as GPA, course of study, and course load. Please see our scholarships page for more information.
Student Employment/ Work Study
Work Study positions are available at UNM-Taos. Students need to complete a FAFSA and check off the option that they are interested in work study. If you have questions, please make an appointment with the Financial Aid Office.
Loans are available for students or parents to borrow to help pay educational expenses. Students must have a FAFSA form submitted in order to be considered for these federal loans. The amount of eligibility is determined by grade level and cost of attendance.
Repayment usually begins 6 months after graduation, if you stop attending, or drop under half-time enrollment. There are 3 types of loans:
- Subsidized – No interest accrues while in school
- Unsubsidized – Interest accrues immediately
- Parent PLUS Loans – Dependent upon cost of attendance, credit based, parents only apply.
UNM-Taos students must submit a Federal Direct Loan request in order to receive loans. Please make an appointment with a financial aid advisor to learn more. After your loan request is approved, you will need to go to and complete your:
- Pre-loan counseling
- Master Promissory Note
Your loan WILL NOT be disbursed until these are completed.