
The UNM Bookstores accept your Student Bursar's Account as a method of payment for course materials on our website. If you select this method of payment on our website you will be charged tax. However, you can purchase your course materials tax-free in the UNM Bookstores utilizing your Student Bursar's Account. When using your Lobo ID to charge to your Student Bursar's Account you must be the cardholder to place and pick up your order.
*If your course materials are being paid by a Third Party, you cannot order online. Email to purchase Third Party course materials.
Please note:
- Once an account is closed you can no longer charge to the account. You can only charge to an account which is currently open.
- When creating your UNM Bookstore website account, you must use the same name that is on your Lobo ID. If it does not match, your order may be delayed or canceled.
- For in-store pick up, you have until the end of the second day of class to pick up your order if your order was placed prior to the first day of class. For orders placed after the first day of class, you have 3 days after receiving your confirmation email to pick up your order.
- Online orders follow same return policy as in store purchases. Click here for UNM Bookstores Return and In-store pickup policies.
- All available items from your order will be shipped. Out of stock items will be back ordered or substituted based on your book selections. For more information please log into your account or contact Order Fulfillment at 505-277-0909.
The University of New Mexico Bookstores are committed to providing you accurate and up to date information. We will update as we receive course material orders from faculty and shipments from publishers. This textbook information is accurate as we know it as of this date. However, we cannot and do not guarantee that the books we have listed will actually be the books used for any given course. Changes, modifications, deletions, and additions to course numbers, sections, ISBN's, or prices may be made at any time and we will post corrections as we receive them.
The information provided on this website is intended for use while shopping at the UNM Bookstores and is not meant as a guarantee for purchases made other than at the UNM Bookstores. For this reason, please note that the UNM Bookstores will not make exchanges, refunds or any compensation for books purchased from any other source utilizing the information on this website. Course materials purchased at the UNM Bookstores may be returned for a full refund within the guidelines listed under our textbook return policy.
If your course is not listed, we have not received a request from the department or faculty. Please check back frequently as we continue to update as we receive information.
Please make sure you read & understand the above statement.
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