Center for Academic Success & Achievement

We are dedicated to supporting students by providing tutoring, learning, and supplemental support for our UNM-Taos community during their academic endeavors.

CASA provides academic support for you through small group or one-on-one tutoring sessions. Tutoring sessions include, but are not limited to, review of class material, discussion of the text, prediction of test questions and creation of study aids, and development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Tutoring is provided by trained peer tutors and instructors of mathematics or writing. Tutors participate in training activities in alignment with the College Reading and Learning Association to hone specific skills to better assist your engagement and understanding of the curriculum. We value and support individual learning differences at CASA.


The STEM Learning Center (SLC)

We have peer tutors and instructors of mathematics and science to support you in your learning. Our lab is designed to support courses that are ALEKS, xyz homework, or lecture based. We encourage students to work in groups and independently.

Tutoring sessions are in person and online. You can find the schedule of instructors and times  on the CASA Padlet below.

Please call 575.737.3695 with questions.

Open SLC Zoom Meeting

SLC Zoom Meeting ID: 241 074 5589

SLC Email:

Current SLC Schedule: CASA Padlet

Writing Studio

Our Writing Studio can assist you with any writing assignment for any class. In addition, we can assist you with resumes, scholarship applications, and other writing projects. Our writing coaches and instructors of writing are here to support your entire writing process from drafting to finalizing your work. If you just have a quick question or want someone to give you feedback, we can do that, too. 

We are available in the following formats: on a drop-in basis, by appointment, or online with Zoom. 

We can provide you with guidance, but will not correct or edit your work.

To submit your writing online, please email us at:

Open Writing Studio Zoom Meeting

Writing Studio Zoom MeetingID: 798 252 8887

Writing Studio Zoom Passcode: 430101

Book an appointment with us! Click here to book with us.

Current Writing Studio Schedule: CASA Padlet

Online Tutoring with Net Tutor

Need assistance with Chemistry, Math, or something else? We now offer online tutoring that is 24/7/365 in all general studies content areas. You will be able to receive live tutoring and interact with tutors. This service offers you the opportunity to ask questions and work on content anywhere at anytime.

Net Tutor (available anytime)  

Supplemental Support

Courses with supplemental support integrate the assistance of a trained Supplemental Support Leader who closely works with instructors in their classrooms. Our Supplemental Support Leaders are trained in study skills, engagement practices, test preparation, and tutoring practices.  

Supplemental Support Leaders are students who have successfully taken the coursework and have an excellent understanding of how to support students through deciphering and understanding the content. The Supplemental Support Leader works with students inside the classroom and are available to meet for study groups outside of class time.  

Instructors who would like to explore adding supplemental support to their coursework can contact Rachel Gift of CASA at or 575.737.6257.

Accessibility Resource Center (Disabilities Services)

If you have a special need and require an auxiliary aide and/or service, contact Program Coordinator Rachel Gift at or 575.737.6257.

The University of New Mexico-Taos is committed to the recognition and the proactive pursuit of compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, ADA, ADAAA, and UNM Policy 2310 Academic Adjustments for Students with Disabilities. Working with students with disabilities should be a partnership among the faculty member, the student, and the accessibility services coordinator.

 UNM-Taos makes reasonable accommodation to the religious observances/national origin practices of a student, an employee or prospective employee, and to the known physical or mental limitations of a qualified student, employee, applicant or program user with a disability, unless such accommodations have the end result of fundamentally altering a program or service or placing an undue hardship on the operation of the University. Qualified students, employees or program users with disabilities should contact the Office of Equal Opportunity or Accessibility Resource Center for information regarding accommodations in the employment and/or academic setting. To comply with the Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Amendments Act (ADAAA), and UNM Policy 2310 Academic Adjustments for Students with Disabilities, UNM-Taos provides the information in this publication in alternative formats.


Contact Us

Rachel Gift
Student Success Supervisor
Center for Academic Success and Achievement (CASA)
8 a.m.–5 p.m.